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Jing Liu

Overseas Education Fieldwork Report 2019

I am very pleased to announce the launch of Overseas Education Fieldwork Report 2019! Thanks to efforts paid by three participants who are 3rd Year of Undergradaute students at School of Education, Tohku University!

Our appreciation must be directed first to the people of Chengdu, Sichuan Program of China. We are especially grateful to local authorities including Mr. Xu Jiangyong, Vice Director of the Department of Publicity, Qingyang District, Mr. Lu Yefei, the Director of Administrative Office, Qingyang District Education Bureau, Prof. Huang Yuanyuan, College of Teachers, Chengdu University, Mr. Xiao Huang, West China Area Manager, Cambridge Assessment English, Principals and teachers of the visited primary schools, junior high schools and senior high school of Qingyang District, managers and staff of Golden English and Dream Team Education in Qiangyang District. We also would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who kindly provided us with precious information during interviews. We could not have accomplished the fieldwork successfully without their kind support.

Next, our appreciation goes to Mr. Imai Satoshi and Ms. Nihei Takako, Kawai Juku for their kind arrangement and collaboration for our interview practice at Kawai Juku Sendai Branch.

Last but not least, we are very grateful to Ms. Xie Xinrui, postgraduate student of College of Teachers, Chengdu University, who kindly supported our fieldwork as interpreter. Our special gratitude goes to Dr. Reginald B. Salonga for the English editing of this volume.






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