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Jing Liu Ph.D.


Born in 1982, Beijing China

Came to Japan in 2003

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4/2009—3/2013 Ph.D. in International Development

Program of Education and Human Resource Development, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan


4/2007—3/2009 M.A. in International Development

Program of Rural and Regional Development and Program of Education and Human Resource Development, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan


9/2003—3/2007 B.A. in Policy Studies

Faculty of Policy Studies, Nanzan University, Japan


9/2000—8/2003 Associate Degree in Business English

Department of International Language and Culture, Beijing Union University, China


9/1997---8/2000  Beijing No.22 Middle School


4/2019-present, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University


11/2017-11/2019, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow)


6/2014-11/2017, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University


2/2013-5/2014, Designated Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University


1/2010-6/2010, Visiting scholar, Institute for International Studies in Education, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh


9/2009-12/2009, Internship, UIS-AIMS Unit in UNESCO Bangkok Office

Academic Society

2019-          Japanese Educational Research Association


2016-          The Sinological Society of Japan, Membership


2014-          The Japan Society For International Development, Membership,


2013-          Japan Society of Educational Sociology, Membership


2010-          Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, Membership,            

                     Co-opted member of Organizing Committee (2018-2020)


2009-          Japan Comparative Education Society, Membership


2007-          Comparative and International Education Society, USA, Membership

Social service

6/2018- 5/2020, Research Fellow, 21st Century Education Research Institute, China


6/2018- present, Co-editor, International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, Emerald

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